Hayley & Andy’s wedding took place just after a week where Essex had seen some light snow flurries. Nothing really had settled more than a centimetre or so earlier in the week, and when the Saturday came around it looked like any other day. Very cloudy though bright enough, Leez Priory looked stunning as always. It was only during the ceremony in the tower that we looked out of the window and saw how romantic it had become outside! …
A few photos that show Hayley’s preparation, then to Andy for some of the same…
The composition of this bridal portrait is really nice of Hayley, offset to one side, with a glass of bubbly. We opted to take some photos with her veil down, which is a lovely look, and of course some with it back.
I always make sure details like this are photographed, the strong colour,Hayley’s engagement ring, the brooch on her bouquet and of course the flowers, all with a pleasing depth of field effect.
On our way to the ceremony a light drizzle of rain started. Nevermind, I love umbrella photos! Or is that rain?… looks a little sleety!
My usual plan before the ceremony is to take extra bridal portraits in the light oak room at Leez Priory, just after the bride has had her meeting with the registrars, as there is much more room than in the bride’s dressing room. I love the natural light in the light oak room, , lovely wood paneling.
I take a mixture here of naturally-lit photos, and some with a bounce-flash balancing the lighting out.
Umbrella photos are always nice, lovely shots her of Hayley and her Dad as they make there way to the wedding ceremony at the tower!
The all-important moment when the groom sees the bride for the first time!
In an enclosed space like the tower i often change to a wide lens and lift the camera over my head to quickly grab a shot of the whole room. Lovely character of every corner of Leez priory.I always look past the bride and groom to see if there are nice moments to capture of family looking on. Often there’s an angle just between the bride and groom of Dad looking , this time the better angle was of Mum and sis.
Just after the signing of the register was when we noticed what had started happening outside! Not so rare perhaps in other parts of the world, but in Essex we don’t get snow all that often, and in my 13+ years of photographing weddings I’ve not been lucky enough to had a snow shower during a wedding. The decision was made to make the most of the snow as it may not last long. To make sure the bride didnt get too cold we did it in two stages – first a little shoot as we made our way back to the main house, then I let Hayley & Andy warm up again in the bar while I set up my remote lighting to really make the next photos pop!
I love this shot! Great big snowflakes, relaxed natural photo, umbrela for a prop, showing the tower from a different angle too, and great the way Hayley is holding her dress to show her shoes!
These photos now include my own umbrella that I carry with my gear all year round in case we need it. Also I’ve set up a light on a tall stand, to lift the subject from the background a little. These are such unique photos, I love them!
Another one of my favourites; walking- always the most natural couple photo you can get, looking to each other – looks like I’ve captured a candid moment, umbrella – cute prop, remote lighting – lifts the subject from the background, oh, and snow!
After our short photoshoot (I didn’t want them getting too cold!) I left everyone to have a good mingle before anything else formal happened. Amazingly, within another 10 minutes it had stopped snowing completely! Lucky timing!
Group photos at Hayley & Andy’s wedding were also taken in the Light Oak Room, as it was too cold outside. A few shots on the sofa too, sitting makes a nice shape with a dress like this.
Whenever I see clients have opted for flowers up the stairs I like to make sure I include them somewhere in the photos – I know from experience the cost of these! (I had my wedding reception there myself!)
More natural light here too, quite a classic photo
My usual spot for the ‘everyone’ photo is from an upstairs window, however it was raining lightly so I got creative, gathered the guests to the carriageway and used my monopod to lift the camera in the air and fire it remotely. This was arranged around the venue staff, as it was a great way of getting everyone together in time to go for dinner!The monopod technique gives a different angle to the dining room photos too!
I make sure I capture all the small details in the dining room, before it’s full of people.
I like this angle, shot through the banisters of the stairs before coming up to the wedding breakfast
Braving the cold again for one of my favourite Leez Priory wedding photographs, when the sky isn’t quite black yet. This deep bue, against the floodlit building has far more impact than a jet-black sky. Remote lighting off the the right hand side on a light stand.
Ben Brown, Wedding Photographer for Lavenham Photographic Studio has been recommended by Leez Priory as a photographer for over 13 years! This means there is a close relationship between Ben and venue staff, helping the day run smoothly. Also, this experience means the best locations for the best wedding photographs are easily found in all kinds of weather, lighting and times of year!
More Information about Leez Priory can be seen here: http://www.countryhouseweddings.co.uk/leez-priory/